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Websites Listing

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Forms – AKOKVO

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2022-04-29  · To check email on Apple Watch: Pair your Apple Watch with your iPhone. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone. Select the Mail option. Tap Mirror my iPhone. Tap Include Mail under Mail Settings. Select the mail accounts that you would like to monitor using your Apple Watch. You can then open the Mail app on your Apple Watch to view emails.


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Kabinet - akvo.gov.me

E – mail: [email protected] POMOĆNICA DIREKTORA ZA OBEZBJEĐENJE KVALITETA I ISTRAŽIVANJE mr Tijana Stanković Kontakt telefon: 020/675-359 Fax: 020/511-297 E – mail: [email protected] . NASLOVNA. Direktor Projekti Pitanja i odgovori Kabinet Linkovi . BIBLIOTEKA. Zakoni Pravilnici Dokumenti. MULTIMEDIJA . Foto galerija …


Montenegro – CEENQA

E-mail: [email protected]: Website: www.akokvo.me: Introductory presentation: AKOKVO: Contact person: Milica Kavedžić : Function of contact person: Advisor for International Relations: Founding year: 2017: Legal status: Public body: International links and membership: Affiliate member ENQA: ACQAHE was established by Government of Montenegro in 2017 …


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Godišnji finansijski plan za 2022. godinu – AKOKVO

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Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning – IESP. Project no. 609675-EPP-1-2019-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP






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Virtual study visit of the University Cote d’Azur, one of the EU partners on the IESP project, took place on June 3. This virtual study visit was organized instead of the visit that was originally scheduled for March at the premises of the University Cote d’Azur, which could not be implemented due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.


‪Ljiljana Kašćelan‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Professor of Business Informatics, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics‬ - ‪‪Cited by 176‬‬ - ‪Business Intelligence‬ - ‪Data Mining‬ - ‪OLAP‬ - ‪Databases‬


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