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Domain Informations

Domain Provider Number Of Domains
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namecheap.com 101387
networksolutions.com 69118
tucows.com 52617
publicdomainregistry.com 39120
whois.godaddy.com 32793
enomdomains.com 23825
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domains.google.com 21384
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net.cn 12481
ionos.com 12416
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gandi.net 12305
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  • Location: Italy
  • Latitude: 43.1479
  • Longitude: 12.1097
  • Timezone: Europe/Rome

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 › Pop3: 110
 › Portmapper, rpcbind: 111
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 › SMB directly over IP: 445
 › Msa-outlook: 587
 › IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025
 › Lotus notes: 1352
 › Sql server: 1433
 › Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723
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 › Remote desktop: 3389
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 › Virtual Network Computer display: 5900
 › X Window server: 6001
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