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Websites Listing

We found Websites Listing below when search with hierotopy.ru on Search Engine


E-mail: [email protected] Hierotopy is a novel concept, originally developed by Alexei Lidov, that is defined both as the creation of sacred spaces viewed as a special form of human creativity as well as a related academic field of study. Sergey Zagraevsky has challenged the scientific validity of hierotopy in his opinion article published in the preceding issue of this …


Mail.ru: почта, поиск в интернете, новости, игры

Mail.ru — крупнейшая бесплатная почта, быстрый и удобный интерфейс, неограниченный объем ящика, надежная защита от спама и вирусов, мобильная версия и приложения для смартфонов. Также на Mail.ru: новости, поиск в интернете ...



HIEROTOPY AS PRINCIPLE AND INSTRUMENT Andrew Simsky Research Center of Eastern Christian Culture, Moscow, Russia [email protected] Hierotopy is a novel concept, originally developed by Alexei Lidov, that is defined both as the creation of sacred spaces viewed as a special form of human creativity as well as a related academic field of study. Sergey …



IN CHRISTIAN HIEROTOPY Andrew Simsky Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture, Moscow, Russia [email protected] Image-paradigms are non-pictorial mental images of the sacred. They are engendered in the viewer’s imagination by means of organized ensembles of iconic, symbolic and typological elements of sacred spaces and emerge from a manifold of …



2017-03-10  · E-mail: [email protected] Hierotopic methodology, as developed by Alexei Lidov, focuses on the creation of sacred spaces as a form of human creativity. Though the Reformation may have done away with the sacred spaces of churches and sanctuaries, it introduced in their place a new kind of hierotopy: a sacralization of the whole of Creation, with …


Иеротопия - Home | Facebook

Hierotopy.ru Иеротопия Posted on Сентябрь 1, 2011 by admin На нашем сайте собраны публикации в области иеротопии.


WHY GOD WAS AN ICONOCLAST? THE VISUAL ... - visualtheology.ru

2021-01-11  · The Hierotopy of Holy Mountains in Christian Culture. Ed. by A. Lidov. Moscow, 2019. P. 149–157. Losev 2001 – Losev A. F. The Dialectics of a Myth. Moscow, 2001. In Russian. March, Fleer 2009 – March S., Fleer M. “Soperezhivanie”: Dramatic Events in Fairy Tales and Play. International Research in Early Childhood Education. 2016. Vol. 7. 1. P. 68–84. …


Center for Eastern Christian Culture - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research. 67.5 million researchers use this site every month. Ads help cover our server costs.


The Re-interpretation of Dutch Golden Age ... - Academia.edu

1 Icons of sacred matter: The Interpretation of Dutch Golden Age Painting in the Light of Protestant Hierotopy Andrew Simsky Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture, Moscow, Russia [email protected] Abstract–This paper employs the concept of Protestant hierotopy to explore the spiritual roots of Dutch Golden Age Painting. Hierotopic methodology …


Succession of the Sacred Topography of Constantinople ...

E-mail: [email protected] . Abstract ... hierotopy; the replacement of shrines; kulliye . I. INTRODUCTION Islam throughout its history has had to resolve issues of its coexistence with other beliefs and the development of another's cultural heritage. One of the most important tasks was the visual indication of presence and domination in the conquered territories. This task …


Визуальная теология

Кроме того, выпуски журнала доступны на Academia.edu и CyberLeninka.ru. Язык Русский English ISSN 2713-1610 (Print) ISSN 2713-1955 (Online) Отправить материал НАШИ ПАРТНЁРЫ . Учредитель, издатель: Новгородский …


The Temple Veil as a Spatial Icon ... - BrepolsOnline

First of all, it concerns the concept of hierotopy (the creation of sacred spaces), recently proposed by the author of this paper and elaborated in several publications by the international group of scholars (www.hierotopy.ru). These studies have revealed an important theoretical issue. In many cases the discussion of visual culture can not be reduced to a positivist …


Hierotopy Research Papers - Academia.edu

Hierotopy was thus discovered (and formally defined) as a special form of art involving the performative creation of spatial icons. The paper also discusses the concept of 'image-paradigms' as multimodal units of meaning within sacred spaces, or as compound mental constructs combining together dogmatic ideas, imagery and holistic emotive components (so-called …


ВИЗУАЛЬНАЯ ТЕОЛОГИЯ - visualtheology.ru

THE DISCOVERY OF HIEROTOPY Andrew Simsky Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture, Leuven, Belgium [email protected] This paper outlines the genesis of hierotopy, a notion serving to conceptualize the cre-ation of sacred spaces as a particular form of human art. The concept encompasses the


(PDF) The Discovery of Hierotopy

[email protected] This paper outlines the genesis of hierotopy, a notion serving to conceptualize the cre- ation of sacred spaces as a particular form of human art.


Hierotopy Research Papers - Academia.edu

First of all, it concerns the concept of hierotopy (the creation of sacred spaces), recently proposed by the author of this paper and elaborated in several publications by the international group of scholars (www.hierotopy.ru). These studies have revealed an important theoretical issue. In many cases the discussion of visual culture can not be reduced to a positivist …


WHY GOD WAS AN ICONOCLAST? THE VISUAL ... - visualtheology.ru

IN BIBLICAL HIEROTOPY Andrew Simsky Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture, Leuven, Belgium [email protected] This study’s point of departure is a question: given that the Old Testament God so cat-egorically prohibits all images, why is His Word, i.e., the Bible, so full of visions and visual imagery? In this paper, the issue is discussed in terms of a distinction …


Hierotopy - DocsLib

Hierotopy as a new fi eld of cultural history Alexei Lidov Institute for World Culture, Lomonosov Moscow State University The. Alexei Lidov the Temple Veil As a Spatial Lcon Revealing an Image. Originalveröffentlichung in: IKON 7 (2014), S. 97-108 Alexei Lidov The Temple Veil as a Spatial lcon Re vealing an Image-Paradigm of Medieval . Translations of the Sacred City …


Иконы сакральной материи. Протестантская иеротопия и ...

Key words: Protestantism, Dutch Reformation. Calvinism, Dutch Golden Age Painting, hierotopy, sacred space, pantheism, iconology, Baconian philosophy, Spinozian philosophy, neo-stoicism. Andrew Simsky. PhD, Senior Researcher, Research Center for Eastern Christian Culture, Moscow - Leuven ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0902-3634 [email protected]


Sacred Mobilities in Byzantium and Beyond: People, Objects ...

Email: [email protected] Sacred mobilities and the performative nature of Byzantine hierotopic phenomena The creation of sacred spaces, or hierotopy, is interpreted as a specific form of creativity and an independent field of historical and cultural studies. In the context of hierotopy the very concept of “spatial icons” was shaped, in the sense of images purposefully presented …


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