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  • name : AMAZON-FRA
  • handle : NET-3-64-0-0-1
  • status : Reallocated
  • created : 2014-11-07
  • changed : 2014-11-07
  • organization : A100 ROW GmbH
  • handle : RG-123
  • address : Array,Munchen,80807,DE
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  • phone : +1-206-555-0000
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  • Latitude: 47.6348
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  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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Lecturio Login

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About Us | Lecturio.com

About Us. Our MISSION is to provide students and faculty with the best learning tools, proven effective by learning science. We understand the challenges all students face as they endeavor to master the vast amount of foundational science needed to become outstanding healthcare providers. We know that true mastery of this material and the ...


Lecturio Medical

Getting Started. Learn more about the features and general structure at Lecturio. Account & Billing. Change the settings of your account and Premium membership


Lecturio GmbH - eLearning Journal Online

Website: www.lecturio.de. eMail: [email protected]. Tel: 0341 355699-76. Anschrift: Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 1. 04109 Leipzig. Land : Deutschland. Lecturio ist eine smarte und moderne Lernplattform, die digitale Aus- und Weiterbildung in vielfältigen Themenbereichen ermöglicht. Renommierte Expert*innen vermitteln Lerninhalte in Bereichen wie ...


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Lecturio Gmbh use these email formats. Get emails and phone number of Lecturio Gmbh employees.


Submit a request – Lecturio Medical

Lecturio Medical; Submit a request Leave us a message Your email address. I have a question about... Summarize your request. Description. Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible. Attachments Add file or ...


Anfrage einreichen – Lecturio Support - Zendesk

E-Mail Adresse. Bitte wählen Sie das Thema Ihrer Frage. Zusammenfassung Ihrer Frage. Beschreibung. Geben Sie Details zu Ihrer Anfrage ein. Ein Mitglied unseres Supportteams wird umgehend antworten. Anhänge Datei hinzufügen oder Dateien hier ablegen Wie erreichen Sie uns? Gerne können Sie uns auch telefonisch kontaktieren: (0341) 355699-74 Bitte beachten …


Aterosclerose | Concise Medical Knowledge

2022-05-24  · A aterosclerose é uma doença incurável, para a qual existem fatores de risco bem definidos, que muitas vezes podem ser reduzidos através de uma mudança no estilo de vida e no comportamento do doente. A aterosclerose manifesta-se como estenose do vaso e como uma fonte de doença tromboembólica. As manifestações clínicas dependem dos ...


Community Engagement - lecturio.de

Lecturio is a leading international medical e-learning platform, serving students as well as medical schools and institutions. Lecturio’s mission is to address the severe shortage of healthcare providers around the world through increasing access to quality medical education. Using state-of-the-art technology and learning science, Lecturio has grown from its …


Medidas de Risco | Concise Medical Knowledge - lecturio.com

2022-05-19  · Estas medidas de risco incluem risco absoluto (AR, pela sigla em inglês), risco relativo (RR), risco atribuível e odds ratio (OR, pela sigla em inglês), cada um dos quais oferece diferentes tipos de informação de acordo com as necessidades dos investigadores. Última atualização: 19 May, 2022. Responsibilidade editorial: Stanley Oiseth ...


Equinocandinas | Concise Medical Knowledge

2022-05-23  · As equinocandinas são um grupo de agentes antifúngicos que têm como alvo a parede celular fúngica e são habitualmente usados no tratamento da candidíase invasiva em indivíduos com neutropenia ou com doenças graves. Atualmente, são utilizados 3 fármacos desta classe na prática clínica: Caspofungina. Micafungina.


Lecturio GmbH Email Format & Employee Directory | ContactOut

Get details for Lecturio GmbH’s 2 employees, email format for lecturio.de and phone numbers. Lecturio is aiming to have a sustainable and positive influence on the education system and landscape. Lecturio is an adaptable learning system and therefore adjusts itself to the individual learning speed of its users. It indicates which topics should be revised and which ones can be …


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Find Marija Milosevic's accurate email address and contact/phone number in Adapt.io. Currently working as Android Developer at Lecturio in , .


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