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Websites Listing

We found Websites Listing below when search with dfrobot.com on Search Engine

Contact Us - DFRobot

E-mail. Order and shipping questions? Email: [email protected]. Have a technical question for Tech Support? Email: [email protected]. Want PCB service? Email: [email protected]. Interested in becoming a distributor? Email: [email protected].


DFRobot Electronics, open-source hardware electronics …

38W DC-DC Converter [email protected] Romeo - a Robot Control Board with Motor Driver (Compatible with Arduino) Internet of Things - IoT > Internet of Things - IoT > Internet of Things - IoT . Development Boards Kits Modules Prototyping & Accessories Sales Sensors. You may also like. Solar Panel (9v 220mA) Solar Lipo Charger (3.7V) FireBeetle ESP32 IoT Microcontroller …


DFRobot Email Formats & Employee Phones — Consumer ...

Contact and general information about DFRobot company, headquarter location in Shanghai, China. Email formats & phone numbers of DFRobot 100-200 employees. Consumer Electronics


About DFRobot - Robotics and Open Source Hardware …

DFRobot was founded from a local maker community in 2008, among the first to embrace open source hardware, we keep creating innovative, user-friendly hardware & software products that become the building blocks in all kinds of electronic projects and fostering a strong community of learners around it. After a decade, DFRobot has expanded from open source hardware to …


DFRobot Education- online resources for STEM and maker ...

DFRobot Education is a platform to empower creation for teachers and learners. From projects, tutorials to curriculums, get inspired with quality-assured resources for STEM and maker education, start creating with tools and technologies including Arduino, Python, Scratch, AI …


Index page - Arduino Robot IOT Community Forum - …

2022-03-22  · Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:13 am. Easy IoT - the Simplest Solution of IoT. Easy IoT is a simplest IoT Solution presented by DFRobot. 145 Topics. 497 Posts. To make raspberry p to random…. by oludarekolade. Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:59 pm. 3D Printing.


Mind+软件用户扩展库 - Mind+教程 - DFRobot

Email: 邮箱。当版本更新需要修改用户库或用户反馈,将通过邮件通知开发者(预留功能) license: 许可证类型。参考链接; isTest: 调试模式。True打开测试模式:每次编译都会重新构建静态文件(用于调试);False关闭测试模式:只会在第一次编译才会构建静态文件 ...


DFRobot-Arduino中文社区 - Powered by Discuz!

2022-03-29  · dfrobot 2020-10-15 09:32: 04386: dfrobot 2020-10-15 09:32: 预览 【云上创客嘉年华征集令】创客们,线上集结! dfrobot 2020-9-4 16:09: 34851: dfrobot 2020-9-7 09:51: 预览 DFRobot行业AI开发者大赛 | 英特尔®OpenVINO™领航者联盟: dfrobot 2020-5-19 16:10: 25280: dfrobot 2020-8-21 15:08: 预览 大家好,我叫 ...



DFR0453 DFRobot CurieNano - A mini Genuino Arduino 101 Board TEL0110 CurieCore intel® Curie Neuron Module DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller(V3.0) Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth DFR0483 FireBeetle Covers-Gravity I O Expansion Shield FireBeetle Covers-24×8 LED Matrix TEL0121 FireBeetle Covers-LoRa Radio 433MHz





DFRobot Products - The Pi Hut

With nearly 600 DFRobot products in the store, it's safe to say we're huge fans of the useful, innovative and affordable range from DFRobot. From the easy-to-use Gravity module system to their great range of DFRobot Arduino-compatible boards, DFRobot provides everything you'll need for your project and at the right price.Getting started is effortless too, as every item from …


DFRobot Distributor | DigiKey Electronics

DFRobot is a robotics and open source hardware provider that is dedicated to creating innovative, user-friendly products that foster a strong community of learning. It has a product catalog boasting over 1000 components and widgets including sensors, robotic platforms, communication modules and 3D printers. Our Website.



SEN0019 Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switch. SEN0042 DFRobot Infrared sensor breakout. SEN0143 SHARP GP2Y0A41SK0F IR ranger sensor 4-30cm. SEN0013 Sharp GP2Y0A02YK IR ranger sensor 150cm. SEN0014 Sharp GP2Y0A21 Distance Sensor 10-80cm. SEN0085 Sharp GP2Y0A710K Distance Sensor 100-550cm. DFR0094 Digital IR Receiver Module.


DFRobot_百度百科 - Baidu Baike

DFRobot官网 .DFRobot官网 .2013年 [引用日期2019-04-10] 4. DFRobot发布新品“二哈识图” 布局人工智能教育赛道 .中新网上海 .2020-03-04 [引用日期2020-03-05] 5. 创客教育机构DFRobot获数千万B轮融资 .新京报 .2020-01-03 [引用日期2020-02-25] 6.


MindPlus wiki - DFRobot

1 - Preface. RoboMaster TT is the first open-source educational drone from DJI. For making this drone more in conformity with the spirit of open-source and getting close to the core of Youth Science & Technology Innovation Education, DJI has officially cooperated in-depth with DFRobot, a leading international open-source hardware company, to combine its RoboMaster TT with …


学习 - DFRobot

行空板是一款由DFRobot专为Python编程教育而设计的开源硬件,是一块有着树莓派级别性能,如micro:bit一样简单易上手,可以运行完整Python程序的神奇的板子! 用Arduino做一个神奇的悬浮灯! RRoy. 2022-03-17. 今天给大家介绍的项目,是一个国外初级设计师用Arduino做的一个神奇的悬浮灯! 上班——摸鱼神器 ...


DFRobot Company Profile | Management and Employees List

DFRobot is a world-leading robotics and open source hardware provider that is dedicated to creating innovative, user-friendly products that foster a strong community of innovation. DFRobot collaborates with multiple tech giants including Intel and Microsoft and has a product catalog boasting over 1,000 components and widgets including sensors, robotic platforms, and …


DFRobot Announces a New Controller for IoT Applications

2022-04-01  · Today, DFRobot announced the new controller Beetle ESP32-C3 based on the latest ESP32-C3 RISC-V 32bit single-core processor, ideal for IoT applications, covering a wide range from consumer ...


DFRobot Digital IR Proximity Sensor (0-200cm) - RobotShop

The DFRobot Digital IR Proximity Sensor (0-200cm) is a digital IR Proximity Sensor with a button and indicator. It provides adjustable detection distance within 0 to 200cm and comes with real-time status feedback. Press the button down, then the indicator starts to flash, this time the detection distance can be adjusted. The sensor will auto detect and save the distance …



If you have any problems or suggestions, you are welcome to email us or post on the DFRobot forum! For any questions/advice/cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum or email [email protected]. More. Arduino library; Schematic; MCP2515 datasheet; SVG files; Github Respository; Get it from CAN BUS Shield For Arduino or DFRobot Distributor. …


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