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Domain Informations

  • inetnum : -
  • name : MSFT
  • handle : NET-20-33-0-0-1
  • status : Direct Allocation
  • created : 1998-07-10
  • changed : 2024-03-18
  • desc : To report suspected security issues specific to traffic emanating from Microsoft online services, including the distribution of malicious content or other illicit or illegal material through a Microsoft online service, please submit reports to:,* https://cert.microsoft.com.,For SPAM and other abuse issues, such as Microsoft Accounts, please contact:,* [email protected].,To report security vulnerabilities in Microsoft products and services, please contact:,* [email protected].,For legal and law enforcement-related requests, please contact:,* [email protected],For routing, peering or DNS issues, please,contact:,* [email protected]
  • organization : Microsoft Corporation
  • handle : MSFT
  • address : Array,Redmond,WA,98052,US
Technical support
  • handle : SINGH683-ARIN
  • name : Singh, Prachi
  • phone : +1-425-707-5601
  • email : [email protected]
  • handle : MAC74-ARIN
  • name : Microsoft Abuse Contact
  • phone : +1-425-882-8080
  • email : [email protected]
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gandi.net 12305
registrar.amazon.com 12111

Host Informations

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  • Location: United States
  • Latitude: 37.751
  • Longitude: -97.822
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Email address with edifica.com.pe

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2. [email protected]

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Edifica email format | Edifica.com emails

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EDIFICA Email Formats & Employee Phones — Construction ...

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Contact us | Edifica

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Homepage – Aedifica

Aedifica made its first investments in Irish healthcare real estate in early 2021. As the Group has a track record of entering new markets and rapidly creating a platform for further growth, you can expect us to add new properties to our portfolio in the future. Our activities in Ireland. €92m fair value. 9 properties.


Edifica | www.edifica.cl

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Contact - Maison edifica

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EDIFICA Email Format & Employee Directory | ContactOut

Get details for EDIFICA’s 4 employees, email format for edifica.com and phone numbers. La experiencia de mas de 50 años de Edifica, C.A. dentro del área de la contrucción, le permite ofrecer una gama completa de servicios que pueden agruparse en las siguientes áreas principales: Gerencia de contrucción Gestión de construcción, gestión de arranque y operación.


Edifica | Your home, your style

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Edifica Inc Email Formats & Employee Phones — Computer ...

Contact and general information about Edifica Inc company, headquarter location in Ceres, CA. Email formats & phone numbers of Edifica Inc 1-10 employees. Computer Software





Grupo Edifica email format | Grupo Edifica.com emails

Grupo Edifica use these email formats. Get emails and phone number of Grupo Edifica employees.


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Edifica Oy email format | Edifica Oy.com emails

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edifica – Obras y proyectos

Edifica es una empresa que cuenta con un equipo Humano técnico y de calidad de más de 10 años de experiencia. Equipo de trabajo. En Edifica disponemos de un equipo humano que garantiza, profesionalidad, legalidad, fiabilidad, flexibilidad y calidad en el producto final . Nuestros valores. Compromiso con el cliente. Los clientes son la clave de todo lo que …


Edifica | Offices and Apartments for sale in Lima

[email protected]; República de Colombia 791 of. 702, San Isidro. Sell your property; Blog; Legal; Work with us; Políticas de privacidad; All images, plans, measurements and areas are referential, as there may be changes during the development of the project. The decorative elements and furnishings proposed by the design department are not included in the …


Edifica ltd. - Email Addres & Phone Number - Lusha

Edifica is an architectural design company. We are highly experienced designers of housing, nursing homes and children's day care centers, retail, industry and harbor facilities. Our focus is in the human being, the user of architectural space. Each and every one of us experiences and uses differently the spaces we live and operate in. Every company or other community or family has …


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Contact and general information about Edifica Consultoria company, headquarter location in Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Email formats & phone numbers of Edifica Consultoria 10-50 employees. Civil Engineering


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