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  • Domain created: 2001-11-11T04:12:16Z
  • Domain updated: 2023-04-27T12:29:50Z
  • Domain expires: 2031-11-11T04:12:16Z 6 Years, 275 Days left
  • Website age: 23 Years, 89 Days
  • Registrar Domain ID: 63bc5a4322b04388b43f63a6591a91ce-LROR
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  • created : 2010-07-09
  • changed : 2024-11-25
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  • address : Array,San Francisco,CA,94107,US
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Websites Listing

We found Websites Listing below when search with yoatzot.org on Search Engine

Nishmat Yoatzot Halacha - Women’s Health and Halacha

Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham. Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha. Taharat HaMishpacha. Becoming Niddah. The Niddah Status. Sensation of Menses (Hargashah) Stains (Ketamim) …


Yoatzot Halacha Listing by Country - Women’s Health and ...

[email protected] Congregation Agudath Sholom, Stamford, CT. Georgia. Tova Warburg Sinensky Yoetzet Halacha. 470-231-5058, [email protected] Young Israel of Toco Hills, Atlanta. Maryland. Bracha Rutner Yoetzet Halacha (718) 614-2677 , [email protected] Kemp Mill Synagogue, Silver Spring, MD. Massachusetts . Sarah Cheses Yoetzet Halacha (339) 364-2848, ...


Miriam Glaubach Center - Women’s Health and ... - Nishmat

To meet U.S. demand for Yoatzot Halacha, American Friends of Nishmat inaugurated the U.S. Yoatzot Halacha Fellows Program (YH-US) in September 2011, through Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center. For more information about qualifications for acceptance and course of study, please contact Program Director, Yoetzet Halacha Atara Eis.


Resources – CYI - yoatzot.ca

Tikvah Toronto. We are a women centered organization, run exclusively for frum women by frum women. Our mission is to provide practical support, mentorship, workshops and information sessions, professional counselling and peer support for Orthodox Jewish women that enable women to navigate past and present challenges and trauma in their marital ...


Kallah Teacher Certification Course

Purchase of the course entitles you to personalized mentoring from a Yoetzet Halacha Kallah Teacher who will respond to your course work, be available to you as you build your Kallah teaching curriculum, and support you as you launch your teaching. $35 application fee waived for Summer & Fall of 2021. Non-refundable tuition fee paid upon ...


TBDJ Women's Initiative and Yoetzet Halacha

Email: [email protected] Phone: 514-312-1367. Rifki wants to connect with you! Passionate about building relationships within the community, Rifki hopes to foster the most comprehensive network of support for women and their families. She will work in concert with rabbis, rebbetzins, medical and mental health professionals and a variety of organizations to do so. Rifki is available for ...


About Us - Women’s Health and Halacha - Nishmat

Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women, pioneered the education and certification of Yoatzot Halacha, Women Consultants in Jewish Law. In Jerusalem, Nishmat’s Keren Ariel Yoatzot Halacha Fellows Program is under the direction of Rabbi Yaacov Verhaftig. In the North America, Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center is home to the U.S. …


Yoatzot Halacha | Yoatzot Halacha

Yoatzot Programs in North America. Kallah Companion. For Brides and Teachers. Guide du mariage. Cours de Taharat Hamichpakha. Judaisme et medecine feminine. pour praticiens et professionnels de santé en anglais. Midreshet Nishmat. The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Study for Women . NISHMAT נשמת. The Jeanie Schottenstein Center For …


Events – CYI - yoatzot.ca

Canadian Yoatzot Initiative; Rabbinic Support; Mizrachi Canada; What we do. What is a Yoetzet? Ask a Question; Resources. COVID -19 Resouce List; Events; Donate; Upcoming Events: Past Events: Click here to listen to the recording of “Finding Your Way Through Menopause” Click here to listen to the recording of “Social Media & Self Worth” ©2017 The Canadian Yoatzot …


Youtooz | Contact Us – Youtooz ... - Youtooz Collectibles

Contact our Youtooz Support Team any time via email at [email protected]. For order inquiries, please contact us from the email address you placed your order with and include your order number for faster service. We typically reply in …


A propos | Yoatzot Halacha

Le Centre Jeanie Schottenstein d’Etudes Juives Avancées pour les Femmes – Nishmat a fondé le Keren Ariel – Yoatzot Halakha afin de former des Yoatzot Halakha, Consultantes en Halakha, sous la direction du rabbin Yaacov Varhaftig, doyen du programme et de rav Yehuda Herlz Henkin zt”l.. Le rationel derrère le concept des yoatzot halakha est qu’il est parfois plus …


Activate – Kallah Teacher Certification Course

All students please contact your Instructors for account verification. remove_circle_outline. add_circle_outline


Yoetzet - Netivot Shalom

Tova can be reached at (201) 655-2180 or [email protected]. Tova Warburg Sinensky is a graduate of Nishmat’s first U.S. Yoatzot Halacha cohort and has worked as Yoetzet since 2013. In addition to serving our community, she works for the Atlanta Yoetzet Initiative at Ohr Hatorah of Toco Hills and previously served as Yoetzet for the ...


Sample Page – courses.yoatzot.org

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes).



NISHMAT's Miriam Glaubach Center. Northwell Health. Women’s Health and Jewish Law Webinar Course. for Medical & Mental Health Professionals. “Cultural competence,” including adaptation of service to culturally unique needs, is a cornerstone of healthcare improvement. To gain a comprehensive understanding of women patients who observe ...


Yoatzot: An Exchange - Cross-Currents

2015-11-22  · Yoatzot: An Exchange. Shoshanna Jaskoll submitted a characteristically passionate article for consideration, this time on the hot-button issue of yoatzot halacha, women trained in hilchos nidah who serve as information intake points, advisors, and more in a very sensitive area. We thought that the article (coauthored by three colleagues) would ...


The Yoetzet Halacha Rabbinic Council In Support ... - Yoatzot

The Yoatzot Halacha (Women Advisors in Jewish Law) Program, introduced in Israel in 1998 by Nishmat, has enabled tens of thousands of women to opt for a female address for their intimate questions relating to family life, marriage, intimacy, and women’s health. While we, the Rabbinic community, are always striving to create as comfortable of an environment as possible for all …


S H A L O M T A S K F O R C E D O M E S T I C A B U S E R ...

Eg l a A r u f a & C o mmu nal Res p o ns ib il it y In the case of Egla Arufa, the leaders of the community say the following and offer a


Yoetzet Halacha - Congregation Ohr HaTorah

Tova Warburg Sinensky can be reached by phone/text at 470-231-5058 and by email at [email protected]. Tova Warburg Sinensky is a graduate of Nishmat’s first U.S. Yoatzot Halacha cohort and has worked as a Yoetzet since 2013, currently serving as the Yoetzet Halacha for Teaneck, Atlanta and Greater Philadelphia. She has been involved in the field of …


Yoatzot: What We Learned - Cross-Currents

2015-12-10  · The need for yoatzot is far greater than people would have thought. Like it or not, a large number of woman – and that includes those in the haredi community as well – are uncomfortable with presenting intimate issues to males, directly or otherwise. That leads to a significant number of women not asking the questions they should. This may be the factor that …


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